Resident Phase System

Recovery Corner Resident Phase System

Recovery Corner, incorporates a Phase System with residents; wherein certain expectations are identified and goals set. Completion or progress towards these goals enable each resident to progress to the next phase, within which, there will be new privileges and new goals.

Phase 1

Each resident begins at Phase 1, regardless of previously achieved recovery goals, such as step work, involvement in treatment, job, schooling, etc.

There is a minimum 45-day Phase-1 introductory period upon entering the recovery residence.

Resident’s expectations that should be accomplished during Phase-1 prior to phasing up to Phase-2 are:

  1. Abide by the recovery residence published House Rules.
  2. Abide by a 10:00pm curfew on weekdays and an 11:00pm curfew on weekends.
  3. Attend a minimum of three 12-step meetings per week with another member of the residence.
  4. Obtain or maintain a full-time schedule of employment, school, treatment or volunteer/community service work. (40 hours a week) Treatment and work can be combined
  5. Pay rent regularly and in a timely manner.
  6. Attend scheduled House Meetings, Living Skills Course meetings and recovery residence sponsored events.
  7. Have a 12-Step sponsor and be actively working the 12-steps of recovery in the fellowship of your choice.
  8. Join a home group.
  9. Meet with Sponsor 1x Per Week.

Phase 2

Provided a Resident has accomplished the benchmarks outlined in Phase-1 and has been a resident for more than 45 days, the Resident then becomes eligible to enter Phase 2. Residents in this phase will be expected to abide by the same expectations as Phase 1 with the following additions and privileges:

  1. Residents are now eligible for Overnight Passes with prior CRRA approval.
  2. Residents’ curfew will be extended to 11:00pm on weekdays and 12:00am on weekends.
  3. Residents are still required to go to 3 or more meetings a week, but residents are no longer required to do so with another member of the residence.
  4. Actively participate in Home Groups and take a service commitment.
  5. Complete 9-week Life Skills course.

Phase 3

Phase-3 is the start of independent living in a safe sober environment. While still structured, Phase-3 will provide more liberty in support of a recovery lifestyle. This is the last stage before full integration into the greater community as a productive member of society.

Provided the Resident has accomplished the benchmarks outlined in Phase-1 and Phase-2 and has been a resident for more than 90 days, the Resident becomes eligible to enter Phase 3. The Resident will be expected to abide by the same expectations as Phase 1 and Phase-2 with the following additions and privileges:

  • Resident’s curfew will be extended to 12:00am on weekdays and 1:00am on weekends.
  • Residents are no longer required to attend Life Skills course meetings.
  • Residents must attend a minimum of four 12-step meetings per week.

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